Our HR Tech PR Guru Lilly Savin Named Bospar’s Latest B.O.M.B.

August 24, 2022

Congratulations to Bospar Senior Account Executive Lilly Savin, voted by her peers as July’s “Bospartan of the Month, Baby” (B.O.M.B.). As one of our HR Tech PR experts, Lilly is enthusiastic about what’s up and coming for workplaces and employees everywhere. This makes excellent sense, as Lilly is known to be an internal cheerleader! Lilly’s compassion for others and accomplishments in tech PR are why she earned the B.O.M.B. recognition this past month.

Enjoy our quick Q&A below with Lilly to learn more about her professional passions and the most critical advice she ever heard about respecting parents.

What industries/technologies are you most excited about?

HR Tech. As someone immersed in this industry daily, I’m fascinated by how businesses are changing the workplace. Before the pandemic, the blueprint for how we work – including fixed hours and vertical career development – seemed written in stone.

If we’ve learned anything from the past two and a half years, it’s that the workplace has been operating by a severely outdated model, and now the cracks are starting to show. That’s why I’m so excited to see the innovations in the space. It’s something that’s genuinely needed … and needed now. 

Tell us about a recent win on behalf of a Bospar client.

It was great to see our client, Gloat, in TechCrunch for their $90M Series D. It’s always exciting to see clients make headlines, especially when they’re doing great work to make an impact. 

What was your dream job as a youngster?

An author

Who is your professional role model, and why?

Not to toot the Bospar horn but probably Brent Shelton and Priti Khare. I’ve been on several accounts with Brent and admire how he approaches his relationship with the media — and Priti has such a way with clients. Anyone who speaks to her immediately trusts her word because she’s had so much experience. That’s the kind of team member I want to be. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

A few years ago, I was waiting for a train and overheard a conversation between two older men. One of them said to the other, “I don’t know one person who doesn’t wish they were a little bit kinder to their mother.” I guess that’s not exactly the advice I was directly given, but it’s still true. Be nice to your moms.

When you’re not working, where might we find you?

Probably picnicking in a park somewhere in Washington, D.C.

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About the author

Lilly Savin is a Virginia Tech graduate residing in Washington, D.C. As a Senior Account Executive, she brings her academic background in journalism to Bospar, with experience in industries such as data intelligence, cybersecurity, NFTs, HR Tech, and consumer technology,



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