Integrated Marketing & Messaging

The written word is not enough to succeed in a multimodal media world. Enter stage right: integrated, cross-platform campaigns that drive stronger, more synergistic results than siloed PR and marketing efforts. We create unifying web pages that increase engagement, emails that exceed industry response rates and branded materials to support the sales process. This is ideal for smaller departments that need more arms, legs and brains and larger organizations to handle one-off marketing projects. Our executive marketing talent works with you to develop and implement fresh campaigns to help you accelerate your business.

Need a refresh to elevate your message or shift strategy? Do customers get your value? At Bospar we’re clear that differentiated positioning is a must-have for breakthrough PR. Our messaging practice, led by a former chief marketer, uncovers what’s distinct and disruptive and why customers care. We work collaboratively with you to zero in on this meaningful differentiation through a moderated workshop or coached DIY approach. The result is the foundation for consistent and compelling messaging that resonates with customers and media alike.

Integrated Marketing & Messaging

What we offer

  • Websites

  • Digital Ads
  • Sales Support
  • Webinars
  • Email Campaigns
  • Video and animation
  • Podcasts
  • Event Management
  • Positioning
  • Stakeholder Interviews
  • Umbrella Messaging
  • Target-specific Messaging
  • Workshops
  • Mission + Vision
  • Corporate Values
  • Translation to Website
  • Validation

Your stories

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