Crisis & Reputation Management

When there’s a crisis, you want Bospar by your side. We help prevent a negative news spiral and position you for rapid recovery, as we’ve done for some of the largest companies in technology. It all starts with readying a plan strategizing potential threats and identifying the chain of communications, spokespeople, statements, online advocates, and detractors, too. Media training, simulation exercises and legal approval are all must-haves. When crisis strikes, our media mavens mobilize swiftly, 100% on call to handle whatever threatens your operations, employees or reputation. We make real-time adjustments as we monitor media; internal and external sentiments; and social media. A recovery strategy is built in to restore your brand and reputation, if needed.

Like it or not, having a positive image online matters! That’s why Fortune 1000 companies, CEOs and senior executives have reputation management programs to protect their search profile, no matter what they’re up against. We take your reputation as seriously as our own. The key is continuously monitoring your brand’s public perception so that we can amplify favorable comments while taking control of online conversations to prevent potentially damaging effects. Whether concerns stem from poor customer reviews, social media comments or negativity that surfaces in search, we’re at work to set the record straight. We also work to future-proof your reputation, helping to insulate your online image from future threats.

Crisis & Reputation Management

What we offer

  • Crisis Strategy

  • 24/7 Counsel
  • Spokespeople Communications
  • Chain Holding Statements
  • Media Training Simulations
  • Audience Outreach
  • Threat Assessment
  • Employee Communications
  • Media Monitoring
  • Online Monitoring
  • Reputation Management

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