Bospar Celebrates Employee of the Month: Assistant Account Executive Gordon Evans Is Our March B.O.M.B.

March 30, 2022

At Bospar, we believe all of our employees are “the bomb.” To show them appreciation, today we kicked off our new  “Bospartan of the Month, Baby” (B.O.M.B.) campaign. Each month, an employee will be nominated and selected by their peers for special recognition. Through a blog Q&A, our B.O.M.B. will have a moment to shine by sharing career highlights and future goals, as well as personal passions that make up their fabulous DNA. 

What does it take to become a Bospartan of the Month? Our March recipient is AAE Gordon Evans. His  peers had this to say:  “While he’s still new to the Bospar crew, it’s clear Gordon has quickly established himself as a vital member of our team.”   In addition, we interviewed Gordon to share with you his first-hand experience as he conquers the P.R. universe with Bospar as his guiding and nurturing captain through this journey.

What industries/technologies are you most excited about?

Crypto/metaverse/Web3. The crypto space is just a lot of fun. The news stories related to it are constant and pretty much everywhere.  Meanwhile, the metaverse (or multiverse) is fascinating as it is unique and controversial, and press coverage around it is starting to take off.

Tell us about a recent win on behalf of a Bospar client.

We were pitching an exciting story angle about Rocket.Chat  that has landed some above-average coverage. It was like a relay race, passing the baton to the next person and the next and then taking it across the finish line.

What was your dream job as a youngster?


Who is your professional role model, and why?

I do not have a specific person in mind, because I am learning a lot from everyone around me.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Paraphrasing some bizarre person on Twitter who randomly handed out tangible, helpful advice– something like, “If you work 7x harder than you are currently working, all of your problems go away.” It might not be exactly true, but it helps me stay focused.

When you’re not working, where might we find you?

Somewhere comfortable–scrolling social media or reading a book.

Are you ready to be a Bospartan? We’re always looking for great candidates to join our rapidly growing, all-remote team! Please take a look at our open positions here.

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