Bospar survey reveals vast majority of journalists and newsrooms are implementing ChatGPT or similar technologies to make their jobs easier

Media workers and newsrooms are focusing on the ability of ChatGPT and similar technologies to assist rather than on their potential threat to jobs

SAN FRANCISCO — April 25, 2023 — Bospar, the “politely pushy” PR and marketing firm that puts tech companies on the map, today announced the results of a survey of American media workers (who contribute to the news cycle) regarding opinions about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT or similar generative AI technologies in journalism. 

The survey was conducted in advance of a San Francisco Press Club panel discussion today, “AI + Journalism = ?”, on AI’s impact on journalism and journalists. Bospar principal and president of the San Francisco Press Club, Curtis Sparrer, organized the event.

“While the average American is learning what ChatGPT and other generative AI technologies are all about and can accomplish, American media workers have had a head start experimenting with the technologies,” said Sparrer. “And while some governments and influencers are asking for technology companies to tap the brakes on AI development, the survey reveals that many media workers and newsrooms are moving ahead to implement ChatGPT and similar technologies, focusing on their ability to assist rather than their potential threat to jobs.”

Media workers are moving ahead with generative AI

The vast majority (87%) of survey respondents who work in the media think people generally are overly sensitive to generative AI, and another 88% believe it will make media jobs easier. Furthermore, nearly three-quarters (74%) of those that work in the media have worked or experimented with ChatGPT or other generative AI for their jobs, and another 78% have used them to write at least one sentence in a story. 

Media workers also are not hiding their use of generative AI for their work. More than three-quarters (76%) said either their readers, editors, colleagues or bosses know that they used ChatGPT for a story.

Eighty-eight percent of respondents who work in the media agree that technology is always part of a reporter’s career development, just like learning computers, public databases, the web, data analytics, search engines, and social media.

Most newsrooms support using generative AI

Most newsrooms also support using generative AI in media work. More than half of respondents (54%) say their newsroom is all for using generative AI, while another 38% report their newsrooms are open to using it and only another 8% indicate their newsrooms are against it. 

Concerns regarding generative AI

Respondents also documented concerns about generative AI. When asked to rank their concerns about generative AI writing news stories, respondents ranked them in this order:

  1. Can be discriminatory
  2. Can’t be trusted
  3. Not actually original thinking / reporting
  4. Not accurate
  5. Will put you or colleagues out of work
  6. Not a good storyteller


A national online survey of 1,002 U.S. media consumers and media workers (302), ages 18 and older, was conducted by Propeller Insights on behalf of Bospar in April 2023. Survey responses were nationally representative of the U.S. population for age, gender, region, and ethnicity. The maximum margin of sampling error was +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

About Propeller Insights

Propeller Insights is a full-service market research firm based in Los Angeles. Using quantitative and qualitative methodologies to measure and analyze marketplace and consumer opinions, Propeller Insights works extensively across industries such as travel, brand intelligence, entertainment/media, retail, and consumer packaged goods.

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Bospar is the award-winning “politely pushy” tech and health public relations and marketing agency. The firm, which launched in 2015, provides clients with national support thanks to its distributed agency model. Bospar’s staff includes marketing and PR experts and veteran journalists from top-tier tech and business media. The agency’s strategic and creative thinkers excel in earned and social media, analyst and investor relations, content creation and placement, and public affairs. Leaders from brands – including Alkermes, Standigm, Marqeta, Snowflake and Unisys – trust Bospar to drive category leadership for disruptive technologies and solutions.

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