Bospar survey reveals vast majority of Americans are concerned about journalists and newsrooms implementing ChatGPT or similar technology

Americans’ concerns about media use of AI to write news include accuracy, control, security and jobs.

SAN FRANCISCO — May 9, 2023Bospar, the “politely pushy” PR and marketing firm that puts tech companies on the map, today announced the results of a survey of the U.S. general population’s opinions regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT or similar generative AI technology in journalism.

The survey of more than 1,000 U.S. adults was conducted in advance of a San Francisco Press Club panel discussion, “AI + Journalism = ?”, on AI’s impact on journalism and journalists, which was held on April 25. A special release of this data focused on responses from Americans that work in the media and their opinions of using AI in the newsroom.

Most Americans worry that AI will permeate and control the media.

Although a narrow majority of Americans (53%) said they are comfortable with media using AI to write news, nearly all Americans (93%) expressed some level of fear that the future of news reporting could mostly be created with AI technology.

Nearly three-quarters of Americans (74%) believe at least 25% of news articles will be AI-generated by 2025, and 29% believe more than half of news articles will be AI-generated by 2025. Furthermore, a narrow majority (56%) believe that AI eventually will fully control the news media including what they report and the questions they ask sources.

“The rapid development and access to generative AI, ChatGPT and similar technology for media use concerns most Americans,” said Curtis Sparrer, Principal at Bospar. “While the threat to humankind is still perceived to be far off, the use of artificial intelligence in media stories has raised immediate unease for the future of journalism, the quality of stories, sources, and misinformation, as well as jobs in media in the near future.”

Americans also are apprehensive about accuracy, control, security and jobs due to media use of AI.

Four out of five Americans (81%) are nervous about the spread of disinformation, misinformation and bias through AI, and think AI-generated news requires additional government regulation to combat their spread.

Experts are calling for the development of AI to slow down, particularly where ChatGPT and similar technology is concerned. Only 7% disagree with the experts, but 60% agree because they believe AI hasn’t been tested enough to determine if it’s safe. Another 48% agree because they’re worried about the vulnerability of AI to hackers, while another 37% agree based on fear that AI will be used to create fake news and misinformation.

More than three-quarters of Americans (79%) also are anxious about security and believe that journalists risk compromising their sources based on the questions they ask ChatGPT.

Americans also expressed concern about the impact of AI on media jobs. Nearly all Americans (96%) have some level of fear that more than half of all media jobs could be at risk of becoming automated, and (42%) are very worried about the impact of AI on media jobs.

Television still rules the news.

Although there are now more ways than ever to access news, the vast majority of Americans (80%) still rely on television as their main source for news. Other sources in descending order include online (59%), social media (51%), radio (35%), podcasts (28%), print (22%) and word of mouth (22%).


A national online survey of 1,002 U.S. media consumers and media workers, ages 18 and older, was conducted by Propeller Insights on behalf of Bospar in April 2023. Survey responses were nationally representative of the U.S. population for age, gender, region, and ethnicity. The maximum margin of sampling error was +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

About Propeller Insights

Propeller Insights is a full-service market research firm based in Los Angeles. Using quantitative and qualitative methodologies to measure and analyze marketplace and consumer opinions, Propeller Insights works extensively across industries such as travel, brand intelligence, entertainment/media, retail, and consumer packaged goods.

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Brent Shelton

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Bospar is the award-winning “politely pushy” tech and health public relations and marketing agency. The firm, which launched in 2015, provides clients with national support thanks to its distributed agency model. Bospar’s staff includes marketing and PR experts and veteran journalists from top-tier tech and business media. The agency’s strategic and creative thinkers excel in earned and social media, analyst and investor relations, content creation and placement, and public affairs. Leaders from brands – including Alkermes, Standigm, Marqeta, Snowflake and Unisys – trust Bospar to drive category leadership for disruptive technologies and solutions.

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