Stevie Awards for Women in Business Honors Bospar Senior Vice President Lauren Essex in the “Social Change Maker of the Year – Disability” Category

SAN FRANCISCO October 7, 2022 Bospar, the “Politely Pushy®” PR and marketing firm that puts tech companies on the map, is proud to announce that after winning two Stevie Awards earlier this year, Senior Vice President Lauren Essex is now a finalist for the Stevie Awards Women in Business. Finalists received the highest scores among more than 200 professionals worldwide from seven international specialized juries. Gold, Silver and Bronze Stevie winners will be revealed during a gala awards banquet on Friday, November 11, at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

Essex is honored in the “Social Change Maker of the Year – Disability” category. This category recognizes women who succeed in their careers while making the world a better place for the disabled. Twenty years ago, Essex first volunteered with the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) to teach her young daughter the spirit of generosity and giving back. Over a decade ago, Essex stepped up her commitment, raising significant funds for CAF while balancing her role as an involved single mom, running a consulting practice and training alongside challenged triathletes and cyclists. Essex now devotes her time to CAF in parallel to serving as senior vice president at Bospar, where she creates award-winning integrated marketing programs for global technology clients.

CAF has given over $178 million in grants to people with physical challenges, funding their adaptive equipment, training and emotional support. CAF helps people thrive despite their circumstances: for example, a Marine returning from combat with one leg, parents coping with a child born with physical challenges or an accident survivor. One of the biggest challenges is that insurance only covers basic prosthetics — not costly adaptive equipment and other support needed to be active and participate in the same activities as able-bodied people. 

“There are times in our lives that we feel overwhelmed by the hand life has dealt us. So, when people can pull themselves up and commit to living active and engaging lives despite their circumstances, I’m inspired,” said Essex. “These everyday heroes could quit, but they don’t. My guiding belief – that a positive mindset makes all the difference – shows up whether I’m mentoring co-workers, supporting friends, spending time with family, or addressing clients’ marketing challenges.”

Essex recently led an integrated cross-platform launch for REAL Messenger, the first social media app for real estate agents and the only one that democratizes the global landscape, connecting agents directly to sellers, buyers and renters. With Bravo’s “Million Dollar Listing” alum Fredrik Eklund and real estate maven Thomas Ma of Hong Kong – who created the app – Essex led the Bospar team in developing the brand’s positioning, go-to-market strategy and implementation. As a result, the app landed in the industry’s top 10, with coverage in Forbes, Computer World and coast-to-coast broadcast.

Quitting is not an option for Essex, even when riding 620 miles from San Francisco to San Diego over seven days with CAF’s “Million Dollar Challenge,” from October 15-21, 2022. Last year Essex raised $17K, and this year her sights are on $20K to help solve the “insurance gap” problem for the people CAF helps.

For more information, please visit the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF).To help change lives and spread positivity, please visit:

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Bospar is the award-winning “politely pushy” tech and health public relations and marketing agency. The firm, which launched in 2015, provides clients with national support thanks to its distributed agency model. Bospar’s staff includes marketing and PR experts and veteran journalists from top-tier tech and business media. The agency’s strategic and creative thinkers excel in earned and social media, analyst and investor relations, content creation and placement, and public affairs. Leaders from brands – including Alkermes, Standigm, Marqeta, Snowflake and Unisys – trust Bospar to drive category leadership for disruptive technologies and solutions.

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