The LinkedIn Algorithm Just Changed — Here’s What it Means

July 19, 2023

It’s no secret that LinkedIn likes to switch up its algorithm every once in a while. Bospar’s social media team thrives at keeping a finger on the pulse of these changes so our clients benefit.

Recently, LinkedIn changed its approach to how its feed works, updating which content is rewarded and spread far and wide — and which content might not go very far.

A closer look at the changes

LinkedIn based its recent changes off of user feedback, mostly surrounding users complaining that their feeds were full of irrelevant content. According to LinkedIn, these complaints have been reduced by 80% with the updates.  

There’s been two major changes: LinkedIn posts are more likely to be shown to your followers, and posts that share “knowledge and advice” are prioritized.

So, what does that really mean?

LinkedIn’s Director of Product Management Alice Xiong told Jason Feifer via his podcast, Problem Solvers, that LinkedIn users find content most valuable when it’s grounded in knowledge and advice AND when it’s from people they know and care about.

This means thought leaders and executives can expect their LinkedIn followers to view their posts more frequently than ever before. If you’re looking to reach new audiences, the key is in focusing on “knowledge and advice.”

LinkedIn’s algorithm will now evaluate whether posts include this key element and, if yes, will expand its reach and show it to new audiences that would find it useful.

How to build a strong LinkedIn post to reach new audiences

Based on the newest algorithm changes and added “knowledge and advice” analysis, there’s a few things you should keep in mind when drafting a post.

Posts should speak directly to a distinct audience. Subject matter experts should think about who they’re hoping to reach, what that target audience already knows, and what they’re looking to learn.

Content should be related to the author’s core subject area. It should emphasize that they’re an expert and should include some sort of perspective. This gives it insight and potential to resonate with certain audiences.

Lastly, posts that garner “meaningful comments” are more likely to succeed. It’s not just about quantity, but quality. Do comments include real thoughts, opinion, perspectives and reactions to the author’s post? If yes, the original post will be prioritized in the algorithm.

What this means for executives

Building a strong LinkedIn presence is critical for your brand. It can reap amazing benefits like connecting with like-minded industry experts, spreading brand awareness among existing and new audiences, positioning your company in front of key media targets, and building your professional brand.

These recent changes share key insight into how to develop meaningful posts that will go the distance. Thought leaders should  incorporate “knowledge and advice” in each and every post to expand reach.

While these updates are important to take note of, LinkedIn is always tweaking pieces of its algorithm. Hootsuite’s “How it Works in 2023” blog is a great resource to refer to for future updates.

How Bospar can help

The Bospar social media team are experts when it comes to executive LinkedIn profiles. We offer a customized approach to reaching your goals. Whether you need an in-depth existing profile audit, a detailed platform strategy, or an ongoing content calendar and copy — we’ll provide what you need to establish a solid presence on LinkedIn and make sure your company stays on top of the always-changing algorithm. Check out all of our social media services, and let us know how we can help!

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About the author

Sarah Woelfel is a social media specialist with experience creating, managing and optimizing social profiles across dozens of channels and verticals. As an account manager on Bospar’s social team, Sarah helps clients — from cybersecurity and DBaaS to healthcare and enterprise tech — find their voices on social and build relationships with target audiences. She’s an expert in managing crises on social media and adapting to the ever-changing social landscape. Sarah has a degree in Strategic Communications and Digital Business from Miami University and currently lives in Chicago.



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