PR Superstar and Insurtech Enthusiast Grant Zehnder Selected as June’s B.O.M.B.

Congratulations to Bospar’s Senior Account Executive Grant Zehnder, voted by his peers as June’s “Bospartan of the Month, Baby” (B.O.M.B.). Grant is an optimist who strives to keep a positive outlook and make an impact on others – and if you need restaurant recommendations, Grant’s the guy to talk to. Find out how his communications and digital marketing background has led him to great success in media relations and newsjacking – and how his interests have evolved to include insurtech.

What industries/technologies are you most excited about?

I’m excited about where the insurtech industry is headed. I always thought the insurance industry was dated and dry, but the technology our clients are developing within the space is cutting-edge.

I’m also excited to watch where the world of marketing technology takes us. Our client Alembic has gathered detailed data on how to best utilize and recycle content to optimize social media channels. The world of social media is blowing up, and the future of martech is sure to be interesting.

Tell us about a recent win on behalf of a Bospar client.

Our insurtech client Parametrix has been nailing the media placements! It has been a team effort. As a result, we have received many placements in top-tier publications – most recently, The Wall Street Journal! Our team has been continually delivering results, and it’s fun to watch.

What was your dream job as a youngster?

As a kid, I constantly changed my mind about what I wanted to be when I grew up – and that followed me into college. I tossed around the idea of becoming a doctor, teacher or CEO.  I’m certain my parents could name a few of my more outlandish future professions.

I went into college undecided. I wanted to go the business route, but I was too creatively-minded, which is how I landed on communications and digital marketing.

Who is your professional role model, and why?

My professional role model is my dad! He’d tell you he’s in the business of helping people. I’ve watched him manage a team of individuals for many years, and I see his impact on everyone he meets. That’s something I look up to; I aspire to someday be the leader he is. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

The best advice I’ve received is, “Find the good in everything.”

In a professional sense, I like to view my mistakes as a learning experience and turn them into something positive. One of my colleagues told me to search for the silver lining in my mistakes. They said, “Did you learn from it? If so, that was a positive experience!”

Keeping a positive mindset and finding the silver lining throughout life will make for a better attitude and outlook on everything. Everything happens for a reason, so go and find the reason!

When you’re not working, where might we find you?

If I’m not at work, you can find me traveling the country or trying new restaurants and bars in Chicago. I’m a huge foodie and love to cook, so any chance I have to try new restaurants around Chicago is a win in my book!