The Power of Data
While watching the Northeast primary results roll in last night – Steve Kornacki breaking down the results for us and potential paths forward, or lack thereof, for anyone not named Clinton or Trump – I was reminded of the power of data in driving forward a media narrative.
Right now many tech brands sit on top of, or have the capability of creating, a mountain of wonderfully illuminating data that, when strategically applied, can provide lift to a product announcement, trend story in the news, or even a partner release.
But how do companies make the most of data to create buzz around their brand in both trade and broader business and mass media? Let me provide three examples of recent successes we have had on behalf of our clients:
- Internal Data Highlights an Industry Trend: Internal data to reflect a broad industry story can be a powerful way of showcasing expertise. Bospar worked with Fast Company reporter Lydia Dishman to provide the results of extensive internal research from SmartRecruiters on current 2016 recruiting trends. The piece, titled These Are The Industries With The Most Jobs, published yesterday.
- Data Tells the Next Iteration of a News Story: Upon seeing the news by Brian Solomon of Forbes that DoorDash raised $127 million, Bospar tapped client 1010data to see if they could help put this into context. Forbes published a follow up piece in early April sourcing a 1010data ranking: Who’s Winning Online Food Delivery? GrubHub And Pizza
- Third Party Research Examines Consumer Behavior: Bospar client Ebates recently surveyed consumers about their holiday shopping spend habits, paired with tips from Ebates on how best to save money around the holidays. The survey garnered 1.1 billion impressions and was featured in over 340 publications, including articles in TIME, Buzzfeed, and CNBC.
How have you used data to creatively provide a valuable resource to media?
Find us on Twitter at @BosparPR and share your ideas!