Our self-proclaimed Nancy Drew, Caroline Kamerschen, is Bospar’s September B.O.M.B.

October 26, 2022

Congratulations to Bospar Senior Account Executive Caroline Kamerschen, voted by her peers as September’s “Bospartan of the Month, Baby” (B.O.M.B.). Caroline believes in the importance of mental health awareness and is passionate about emerging technologies.

Get inspired and learn how Caroline’s experiences led her to become a solid public relations professional. 

What industries/technologies are you most excited about?

I’m excited to see the growth in technology innovation and research that benefits youth mental health in the U.S. I lost my brother a few years ago, so working with clients developing technology in the mental health space is significant for me. In some small way, I can contribute to a larger media conversation that reduces the stigma of talking about mental health and seeking out care.

In my work at Bospar, I’ve been fortunate to work directly with organizations like Vinaj Ventures that dedicate investment, attention and resources to serve youth mental health and make high-quality care accessible to all.

Tell us about a recent win on behalf of a Bospar client.

For FindMine, my love for lipstick generated a tangible outcome in a top client target outlet. For this client, I landed an in-depth article for Women’s Wear Daily outlining a recent funding announcement. This coverage directly resulted from a targeted newsjacking approach on consumer beauty spending. For this opportunity, I pulled data from a niche trade publication that noted consumer spending in beauty was outpacing essentials like groceries. 

I thought the consumer psychology at play offered a more mainstream media story discussed by other e-commerce brands and retailers. Therefore, showcasing inflation-related spending trends provided an opportunity to leverage the client’s expertise in the space as a predictive intelligence leader. 

What was your dream job as a youngster?

As a kid, I read just about any Nancy Drew book available. It was always my dream to become a detective, and I often joke to my colleagues about how those skills come in handy for my career in PR! The ability to research effectively, identify emerging media trends, and leverage observations into tangible business outcomes require many of the sleuthing skills demonstrated by Nancy.

Who is your professional role model and why?

I re-read Shoe Dog by Phil Knight just about every year. Knight is the co-founder and previous CEO of Nike. For those who haven’t read it, it offers compelling prose on the value of determination, refusing to take no for an answer, and the importance of creativity in just about any industry. When I started in PR, I viewed professional value as directly connected to previous experience. Finding my seat at the table and understanding the value I bring to any room or conversation have been a result of what Knight summarizes so well: the power of initiative. Every time you’re given a task, you’re also allowed to demonstrate your value in the workplace. We each offer something unique in our human experience that adds value to our communication in this industry. Attention to detail is everything! 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Two pieces of advice come to mind regarding my professional career.

  1. Feedback is a gift. This is a perspective that has taken some time to develop! When you are more junior in your career, I think it can be easy to personalize constructive feedback. For those looking to get into this field, I’d recommend shifting how you perceive feedback and viewing it as an opportunity for growth. Pay attention to the colleagues, mentors and managers who take the time to have the hard conversations with you. Those are the people who invest in your professional growth and advancement.
  2. “You didn’t come this far, only to come this far.” I pulled this one from a Glennon Doyle novel, but I think it’s incredibly relevant to my personal and professional growth. To me, this quote means leaning into the uncomfortable. It’s natural to feel some level of anxiety about success, as the more we achieve, the more we have to lose. I want to encourage more people to lean into the tasks at their job that feel uncomfortable or outside of their comfort zone. I  took an improv class to lean into this aspect of my career and mitigate my fear of public speaking. Your fears grow when you give them power, so whatever part of your role feels nerve-wracking, lean into it! Ask people who are great at it how they do it. I view the nerves as a positive: you care about what you do! Putting my ego in the back seat to develop the ability to speak publicly in front of an audience gave me the confidence to lead client calls and give more impactful presentations.

When you’re not working, where might we find you?

You can usually find me with my pride and joy: a seven-year-old mini dachshund named Lola! Outside work, I can be found trying out new restaurants in South Florida in search of the perfect Chianti and Cacio e Pepe pairing.  You might also catch me planning my next travel adventure. I’ve backpacked through 14 countries, and I’m always looking for recommendations on where to go next.

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About the author

Born and raised in Atlanta, Caroline moved to Los Angeles to attend the University of Southern California. Caroline is passionate about brand storytelling and finding creative ways to showcase with the media client innovation in emerging areas of tech.



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