Faking it Til You Make it? Not a Smart Business Strategy!

March 31, 2022

Author of Make It, Don’t Fake It and tech industry veteran Sabrina Horn felt confident when she started
her own communications agency at age 29. However, she learned the hard way about how authentic one
needs to be about what they know and truly understand, and the importance of setting realistic
expectations with oneself and one’s clients.

She explores the concept of “faking it” and how that can only withstand for so long before the facade
crumbles. She recounts agonizing struggles related to client services, acquiring new businesses, and even
convincing her parents that being a PR pro is NOT like being a call girl! Yes, true story.
This is an episode you won’t want to miss about how a young entrepreneur acquired wisdom following
blood, sweat, tears, challenges, and humility on the road to becoming a seasoned professional, expert,
and author.

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