Traditional print and digital efforts created a viral effect, garnering media interest from The New York Times (Erin Griffith), WSJ (Peter Rudegeair), Cheddar (Tanaya Macheel), and leading fintech outlets and podcast requests establishing CEO thought leadership. Earned media coverage totaled 31 articles equating to +50 million impressions across top-tier business and finance publications and influential trade outlets.

To meet our goal for Marqeta at Money20/20 , Bospar developed four objectives and accompanying strategies. Our first objective was to increase brand awareness by establishing Marqeta as the category leader, the de facto choice for modern card issuing. We then aimed to create the feeling that everyone was talking about Marqeta. To build awareness of the executive bench, we sought to position Jason Gardner, CEO, and Omri Dahan, COO, as the expert authorities on modern card issuing and digital banking. And last, but certainly not least, we looked to boost booth traffic by generating earned media coverage to educate the media about Marqeta’s offerings and why it’s the pioneer and leader in the category.
Campaign Results

“Money20/20 is a major driver of both brand awareness and sales leads for Marqeta, and it is where we look to make our most high-profile announcements to the market. We asked a lot of Bospar and they met the challenge admirably, booking two dozen reporter meetings, driving strong news pick-up and generating great social buzz during the conference”
— Vidya Peters, Chief Marketing Officer Marqeta