
Powering The World’s Smartest Supply Chains


LevaData, the supply chain AI company, tasked PR with launching the company, securing coverage for its Series A funding round and creating visibility for the CEO as a thought leader in supply chain. ​

PR positioned LevaData as the first supply chain sourcing company with artificial intelligence capabilities. PR pitched a wide range of media from business, tech, supply chain, big data and AI. PR leveraged LevaData’s CEO experience in sourcing and procurement to interest media in contributed content and bylines. ​

PR secured coverage in The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Silicon Valley Business Journal, SiliconANGLE, insideBigDATA, EBN, DC Velocity, IT Business Edge and Spend Matters. PR secured a regular contributed content column in EBN and Supply & Demand Chain Executive for the LevaData CEO to discuss industry trends in supply chain management.

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