
Leading the Conversation – Around Conversational AI


Conversica tasked Bospar with building its visibility – from publicizing internal research to securing coverage for a funding round.​


PR jump-started Conversica’s coverage by inserting the company into AI conversations, securing placements in VentureBeat on the AI versus jobs debate and pitching stories about “Westworld.” PR re-positioned Conversica’s internal research – moving away from best-selling practices to the more buzzworthy story of how AI is better at selling than humans, securing coverage in CNET and other tech outlets. Finally, PR positioned Conversica’s B round as the largest such round in conversational AI. ​


PR secured over 450 placements for Conversica’s funding news, including CNBC (pictured), The Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Inc., TechCrunch, VentureBeat and ZDNet. The campaign also increased website traffic and demo requests.

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