Cambium watched its media coverage triple, with coverage in Fox News, TechCrunch (Sarah Perez), VentureBeat (Manish Singh), ZDNet (Corinne Reichert), CNET and Network World. Additionally, Cambium saw an increase in new customers and an increase in revenue. We spearheaded a robust analyst relations program for Cambium to raise the company’s visibility within the industry, conducting briefings to more than 30 industry analysts at Gartner, IDC, Forrester, Frost & Sullivan, Ovum, ARC, and Enterprise Management Associates – leading to Cambium’s inclusion in the Gartner Magic Quadrant and other key industry recognition for the very first time.

“The Bospar team partnered with us to first understand our business and target markets. Then, they executed a detailed media and analyst relations plan to clearly express our message and relevance to our target markets. This has been a key component to achieving our business goals.”
— Scott Imhoff, Cambium Networks Senior Vice President of Product Management.