While the company officially launched in 2018 and soon thereafter had a roster of high-profile clients – including Vonage – they hadn’t cracked the mainstream media prior to COVID-19 and the changes it brought. By April, with the onset of shelter-in-place orders that forced most employees to work at home, Prodoscore’s “moment” had arrived.

Media Coverage
The first big hit came almost immediately. PR secured a virtual interview for Sam Naficy, Prodoscore’s CEO, and a Vonage executive to speak with CNBC’s Eric Chemi about their software and differentiate it from spyware and other surveillance tools. This resulted in both a TV opportunity and an accompanying online piece by Jessica Golden and Chemi.
After the CNBC story ran, our team pitched the productivity data findings far and wide and quickly secured a feature story in Forbes. Forbes’ reporter Chris Westfall wrote:
“Without using spyware or capturing keystrokes, a California-based company has tracked a 47% increase in worker productivity. Based on non-invasive technology that doesn’t grab user passwords, credit card info or other sensitive data, an eye-opening survey shows that smart companies are gaining ground by having workers work from home. What does the data tell us about how employees and team leaders can maximize output during the new normal?”
MarketWatch’s Jon Swartz also picked up the data as part of a larger trend story, saying:
“The COVID-19 pandemic forcing those who could work from home to do so has led to a surprising result — improved productivity. U.S. workers were 47% more productive in March and April than in the same two months a year ago through cloud-based business tools, chat applications and email, according to an analysis of 100 million data points from 30,000 Americans by workplace-monitoring company Prodoscore.”
With additional placements in HR.com, BBC, and various local TV stations, Prodoscore’s message was officially out in the world.
Bospar’s efforts resulted in 30 pieces of coverage over the next few weeks, representing a 430% increase in coverage YoY. Media coverage included Forbes (Bryan Robinson), Computer World (Ziya McKinley), Beta News (Ian Barker), Fortune (Gleb Tsipursky), Wall Street Journal (Christopher Mims) and New York Times (Jodi Kantor and Arya Sundaram).
The very moment the CNBC piece aired on TV, Prodoscore received a huge influx in inbound calls about the service. Each time new coverage is placed, the client estimates a big bump.
The net-net: the media coverage secured by Bospar significantly contributed to Prodoscore’s success and growing pipeline over the last couple of months, with a tremendous increase in potential revenue as well as opportunities in play.

“Bospar came up with the idea of pulling and promoting our internal data as a way to insert Prodoscore into the remote work conversation happening in the media. Then they mobilized quickly to leverage the data into media pitches and a press release for wider visibility - We knew that Prodoscore belonged in the conversation, and we had relevant and timely insights to add, but overcoming the hurdle to actually getting there was where Bospar added tremendous value and expertise. The results have been stellar.”
— Nadine Sarraf, Prodoscore CMO